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7 Wicked Things Men Have Said To Me On a Date

I have to laugh, or I would weep endlessly.

For the last few months, I have been collecting ridiculous conversations with single men. I am hesitant to include screenshots for legal reasons, but I promise you that every one of these conversations happened.

Context: Deciding where to meet before a first date. I stress…FIRST date.

Him: "You game for a little dive bar? I kinda am ;)"

No, I am not "game" for a dimly lit seedy bar with dark alleyways on a first date. I would prefer not to end our date as a chalk outline.

Come on, gentlemen. I like finding a hole-in-the-wall bar as much as the next person, but not on a first date. I am not sure why this is so hard for men to understand, but there are many evil people out there, and at least 99% of them are physically stronger than us. Date rape might not be something that enters your brain, but it does ours.

So please remember that location matters more to women. I always recommend that you come to her on a first date. The reason is simple — comfort. A comfortable date is a more connected date.

Context: On the second date.

Me: "So when did you get divorced?"

Him: "Oh, I am not divorced yet."

Me: "But you told me you were divorced on our last date."

Him: "No, I meant we are in the process of getting a divorce."

Ok, gentlemen, let's get this one straight. Divorced means you are no longer married and have signed on the dotted line. "Separated" isn't even recognized as legal in my state. I am not expecting you to have a law degree, but you know the difference.

And by the way, it is not your impending divorce that makes me want to vomit in my mouth. It's that you are a liar.

Context: Deciding where to meet on the first date.

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