Revised Enlightenment

They promised us all the same faculties that we absorb the world in such similar fashion Instead of the madness that gets so radical and long live discontinuity* It’s been done but that would be to…


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You Are Part of the Ecology of the Universe

Your way of being makes an impact.

Every interaction is sacred. Every word and conversation is a contribution to the whole. Your interactions, intimate or casual, are vital to the ecology of the Universe.

The way you approach communication is important. The energy you bring into the room is significant. Your way of being makes an impact.

Every connection creates ripples of change. A part of you is forever altered with every exchange; the same is true for the other party.

Exhibit kindness and demonstrate patience when dealing with others. Display the kind of presence that you appreciate. Be the person you want to meet.

©2021 Stacey Herrera — all rights reserved

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