Turbulenzen auf dem Finanzmarkt

Die vorige Woche war geprägt von Turbulenzen an den Finanzmärkten, weltweit rauschten Aktienkurse in die Tiefe. Dabei ist der DAX zwischen dem 31. Januar 2018 und dem 14. Februar 2018 um 5,11%…


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Taste The Rainbow

A single-sentence poem challenge

Acrylic abstract painting by author

If I could have a slice of the rainbow
I’d have a piece from the middle
where the colors are brighter
savoring every inch
by biting into it slowly
beginning by licking the outsides
till I make my way to the center
filled reds and pinks
experiencing the magic
it creates
on my tongue
with an explosion of colors
while sweetness drips
from the corners of my mouth
down my hands
leaving a sugary residue on my lips.

Thank you for reading. Your time is always appreciated!

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